Sagacious Wonderer

Sagacious Wonderer

Sagacious Wonderer e.K.

In order to ensure maximum transparency for my readers, I summarize here the legal information and contacts of the company I established to operate my business in compliance with current laws and regulations: Sagacious Wonderer e.K. Legal information and contacts – verify legal information – verify VAT number – verify company registration Policies of my …

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All my websites

Over the last decade, my transformation journey from engineer to blogger has led me to create a series of websites that reflect my passions, experiences, and worldview. Each website represents a stage of this journey, a piece of my world, a reflection of my experiences and my thirst for knowledge. Behind each of these websites …

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Who I am

I am MG Uberti: I’m the person behind every thought and every piece of advice you find on my websites. I do everything myself: everything you read is written by a real, genuine, and authentic person, with nothing generated automatically by Artificial Intelligence. I am an engineer, an experienced traveler, and passionate about art, history, …

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Social and Contact

If you enjoy what I write, I’d be delighted if you followed me, especially by subscribing to my newsletter. On this page, I summarize my various social media profiles, linked to the different topics I write about online: travel, tips for smarter online shopping, the dangers of Artificial Intelligence, religion, Romanesque art, and more. my …

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